Breyers and the British Horse Society

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Breyers and the British Horse Society

It’s funny the curve balls that life throws at you and it certainly was for me! I had, all my life wanted to work with horses and in particular own my own riding stables and teach dressage and western riding skills. I had so much planned but when a back injury at the age of 20 changed all that it turned me towards the world of model horses and collecting to fill the gap.

Never having had my own horse made things a little difficult experience wise. I dealt with many different sizes, temperaments and characters whilst riding and helping out at various riding stables but learning specific skills required to pass British Horse Society (BHS) was very hard. I had managed to pass my BHS stage 1 in horse riding and stable management prior to my back injury but the subsequent treatment and rehabilitation meant it was a long time before I tentatively got back in the saddle.

Time was running out for me and with the added risk of mis-aligning my pelvis I undertook a BHS stage 2 course. I joined the course two weeks into it and was surprised at how much I had to learn. Bandaging formed part of the syllabus but I didn’t have my own horse to practice on. I decided that two of my faithful Breyers would have to do and so I cut up thin strips of vet wrap and practiced bandaging tails and legs on them!!!

Lunging was also something I needed to show competency in. Obviously ‘lunging’ a plastic pony will not really give me the skills required but with a basic home made lunge set I practiced tacking up and coiling in the lung line whilst handling a small whip.

The Breyers were also useful for the anatomy section. Did you know Breyer made a model based on the Strapless mould 1228 called Anatomy in Motion which featured the Musculo skeleton on one side and the skeleton on the other. That is a model I aim to get in my collection!


All I can say is it must have worked as I passed my stage 2 care despite being the only one not to have ever owned their own (live) horse. Thanks Breyer! You’re not just toys but you also teach us something no matter how old we are! As a present to myself I purchased the Breyer classic Arab and grooming set. However, I didn’t allow myself to open the set until I passed my Stage 2 Care Exam!! He will always be a special pony to me because of that and a reminder of all the hard work I put in!


Remember, we are never too old to learn!

Happy horsing!

Jane Hackett

Hot to Trot Model Horses