It's Christmas!!!

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It’s Christmas!!!!!!

Yep, I can say it officially now!!! I must admit I have always loved Christmas, not only because my Birthday is the week before (any cards greatly received!) but also because I love all the festivities, the lights, the food and the shop window displays.

Perhaps one day, I will have my dream of a premises from which I can display the Breyers I sell. I would love to do a window display just like they used to have in the old fashioned shops you still find in The Shambles in York. For now, I will just have to be content with my mantle piece and gorgeous Breyer Christmas horses.

I’m very lucky to own a few of them, some new and some pre-loved. In my house I have two mantle pieces which I can decorate. The first one in the living room. I theme with berries and leaves so I chose the following three models to go with that.

Bayberry and roses.

Sculpted by : Kathleen Moody

Mould No: 700117

Year: 2014


Woodland Splendour:

Sculpted by Kitty Cantrell

Mould no: 700119

Year: 2016


Winter Wonderland

Sculpted by: Brigette Eberl

Mould No:700120

Year: 2017


Bayberry and Roses is by far my favourite and was my first ever Christmas horse. He fits in so well with the decore!

The second mantle piece is in my bedroom so I chose horses to go with my colour scheme and accessories. I have a fabulous silver bed and lots of crystal tea light holders so Celestine was a perfect choice for this. Nutcrack Prince being a lovely grey with a pearlescent shene also fits the bill.


Sculpted by: Brigette Eberl

Mould No: 700121

Year: 2018


Nutcracker Prince

Sculpted by: Kathleen Moody

Mould No: 700109

Year: 2009

Sadly he is missing his bridle!



Sculpted by: Kylee Parks

Mould No.: 700125

Year: 2022

This Years holiday horse ‘Snowbrid’ is based on the new Morgan sculpt and is gorgeous I had to add him to my festive collection! I also like to collect the matching stirrup ornaments and enjoy sourcing the older ones too!


Why not send me your pics of you holidays horse displays?

Happy holiday from all of us at Hot to Trot Model Horses