Neon Neddies

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Neon Neddies!

So this months blog is a tale with a tail!! It also proves that the best things come to those who wait!!

As an avid collector of the Classic Scale American Saddlebred mould I didn’t want to pass up the chance to purchase the 90’s Throwback decorator model I saw on Ebay. Like most people I placed a bid but was working at the time the auction ended and was so disappointed to find that I had missed out. He went for a great price too. A few days later I received an offer to purchase him and so jumped at the chance and paid for him immediately!!!

Later that day I was contacted by none other than my friend Sam to say it was her model I had bought!!! I was so pleased and so was she as it’s great when you can take on another friends model. He was so well packed and she posted him immediately. The shading is beautiful as well and I don’t think the pictures do him justice. I’m so glad to add ‘Disco Diva’ to my herd.