Hot to Trot House Show

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Hot to Trot Horses House Show!


This month saw the very first Hot to Trot Model Horses house show!! Myself and two friends attended and with just 24 classes it made for a very chilled day.

We all worked out of boxes rather than having a table so kept the classes simple with no performance as I wasn’t sure what would fit onto my dining room table.

Judging was fun! With there being only three of us we judged by using chocolates and toffees! 3 sweets for first place, two for second and one for third. If we had a tie then whomever’s models weren’t involved had the deciding vote or if we were all involved we all just voted again. We worked it otr as we went along with it being a fun show.

It was great to chill as the classes went on and look at one another’s models and really chill out.

We had certificates to 6th place so we all got something in most classes.

The only thing missing is that we should have all had our slippers and pyjamas on for that full chilled out factor! Why not organise your own with friends? It’s a great way to get together especially if you can’t get to any live shows around the country.

I will be holding some more house shows so look out for the dates this year.