Two of a Kind

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Two of a Kind

Two of a Kind

All Breyers look alike, right? Wrong! Simply not True. All Breyers, even the mini whinnies are hand finished. It’s difficult to imagine that they could be, but put a few of the same model together and you’ll soon see the subtle differences.


Whilst shopping at Breyerfest 2016 I was lucky to purchase two Gladwin Lucky Grey Lady’s who are Breyerfest 2003 Celebration models of which 4,500 were made. Why two? Well, I bought the first on as she was a grail I had been searching for and the second one came as a job lot. I intended selling the second but they stood together on the dressing room table awaiting shipping home with looks on their faces as if they were looking for their tea that I didn’t have the heart to separate them. It was then that I noted their differences. So how do I tell them apart? It’s all in the nose!


Left: Balmoral Pearly Queen. She has a much pinker nose and a darker eye which I think gives her a slightly cheekier look!

Right: Balmoral Honesty. She has the lighter nose and darker colouring around the eyes.
